Welcome at Tape Deck Service!
repair & revision
Analogue tape recorders: fascinating, nostalgic and pure sound.
But with an age of 40+ years, service is a must!
international visitors:
This website has been launched initially in Dutch language and
is now progressively expanded in English language as well.
located in Belgium, available in the eu

My service desk

Hi, I'm DeAl66
And that stands for Alain Deneef, born in 1966.
As a teenager I was already fascinated by all kinds of audio equipment and especially open reel tape decks. With a given Sony TC-366, I made my very first (re)mix tapes.
Thanks to delivering newspapers I could save up for a used Philips N7300. Due to a DJ hobby and the digital revolution in the audio world, I lost interest in the open reel tape decks....
Until in 2013, by coincidence, I saw a Pioneer RT-909 for sale, which was the open reel tape deck I could only dream of as a teenager. Prices of used decks were still moderate then and that's how a renewed hobby started all over again. However now I was more interested in the technical aspect: how does it function, how do repair work, how to restore these decks and which tools and test equipment do I need?
My electronic engineering degree comes in real handy!
After years of self education and experimenting my first Pioneer RT-909 restoration project was successfully finished and other tape decks followed, for my own decks as well for others.
Impressions of my
What some of my clients say's about me
renaat M.
"To my delight the RT-909 is playing perfect here.
So far I didn't need to make a recording because it plays my old tapes (recorded with Technics 1500) perfectly.… and thanks to get to know you, the real technicians for open reel tape decks are hard to find, even more than the tape recorders themselves."